Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Yellow Peppers" - SOLD

My camouflage peppers had turned completely yellow this morning, I had to paint them again.

I had a hard time getting a good photo of this one. I think the yellow in person is a bit more saturated then I am getting with the camera. I guess I need to figure out photoshop.


adebanji said...

Striking colours Beautiful Composition!

Doug said...

I really enjoy seeing your paintings! Would you please list what your palette of colors are that you use? I have looked but not found where you have listed them. That would be very helpful.... thanks!

Carolyn Finnell said...

Tag, you're it. rules are on my blog along with a link to you, but basically you tell 7 interesting things about yourself then tag 7 others. (I think you've done this before, but not recently)
I love your paintings. And learning photoshop is a very good thing to do, but take it from me (and part of my profession is trying to make photography of paintings look just like the paintings) Photoshop can do a lot, but the camera can't reproduce and the monitor can't show what the eye can see. You can get it very close, but some of the subtlety will never be there. Thats what makes "real" art so much better than a reproduction.

r garriott said...

Beautiful work as always! Inspiring!!!

Regarding Photoshop... digitals cameras can get 'confused' when aimed anything that's overwhelming of the same hue...the cameras are programmed to 'even out' the hues in the picture.

To get more of a brilliant yellow with this image, try in Photoshop using the Levels pallette (Ctrl + L). Use the default tab, which will read RGB. Try moving just the last slider (the white one) left in toward the middle. I tried it with a copy of your image and input levels of 0-1.0-185 seemed to really heighten the yellow.

For further tune ups, try the Color Balance pallette (Ctrl + B). Hope this is helpful.

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Aaron,


Take care,
