Monday, March 30, 2009


This is generally what a painting of mine looks like after two or three unsuccessful attempts. I usually don't tend to post these works, but I thought some would appreciate this. Sometimes when I feel like I have completely forgotten how to paint I will just begin quickly throwing down paint. It actually helps me feel better afterward. And sometimes I actually like the end result.


Marco Folchi said...

It's minimal, pure, complete and a little abstract, it's good!

Anonymous said...

It does help to know you're not the only one who struggles. Today I came THIS CLOSE to swearing I'd never paint again as long as I live...but I know that's a lie. :) Your posts are always a treat for the soul. Thank you.

Sandra Galda said...

this is really neat...all artists have a range and this just exemplifies your economic brushwork in the extreme. it is interesting to look at!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

It's not a bad painting, it looks like a nice block in. I adore your economy of brushstrokes. Your paintings are vibrant and beautiful!

Jala Pfaff said...

Thanks for posting this, Aaron. It's very instructive to fellow artists.

Liz said...

I really appreciate this because it shows me how you get the planar surfaces and values down and I struggle with this whether it is a still life, a landscape, or portrait. Then you get to play. Lovely!!