Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Breathing Room" - SOLD

I had fun painting this one. However, its always a frustration trying to get a perfect picture of these little guys. The picture never seems to get it just right. Well I guess every now and again it does. I just wish it was more often.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the red fruit... do you use any mediums with your oil?

Leslie Saeta said...

Does this mean that your painting is actually better than the one photographed here? Can't be. This one looks perfect! What a great choice of colors ... love that red.

aaronlifferth said...

Hi all. Thanks for your comments. The colors are slightly off from the painting. I don't know if it is the time of day I shoot, but I think the best pictures are about an hour before it gets dark.
For a medium, I use liquin.