Monday, June 28, 2010

Larger Five

"Chorus Line" 24x20

I painted this one on canvas, and had a really fun time with it. I am sure anyone who has painted tulips knows that they can really move a great deal when there is a light source on them. I ended up painting this until three in the morning since they kept moving, and I didn't want them to change the next day.

"Grandma's Jar with Lemons" 16x16

I can't seem to get away from some objects, but I really like painting this salt shaker.

"Nostalgia" 20x20

This painting really put up a fight with me as I painted it and took a while to finish, still I learned some cool things while working on it and really enjoy the final product.

"Reflection Cluster" 20x20

This was another fun one with some challenges.

"Stacked" or "Orange Mug" 16x20

I have been so used to painting mugs on a small scale (6x8) that I forgot how invigorating it can be to paint large. I think the mug itself is about six or seven inches tall. It felt like stretching my legs out after a long car ride.


Maike Josupeit said...

I love your paintings. They are all so beautyful. Pure color. Thank you for showing, greetings from Germany, Berlin, Maike

Kim Rempel said...

Aaron! I am SO happy to see your work again : ) It's such a pleasure to scroll down my blog list and see your pieces pop up. Your paintings have a wonderful sense about them.

Taryn Day said...

I love "Chorus Line" and "Nostalgia".


wow! what a feast for the eyes.

All About M.E.('s) said...

Oh right, that's where my dishes are. Nice work. You're a fine fellow.

Anonymous said...

Aaron, I love that I came across your blog! Your work is inspiring and full of richness. I'll continue to be a follower.

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Aaron,

Each one of these is so amazing. I loved your description of moving from a small to a larger painting. It feels exactly like stretching after a long car ride. I also like using larger brushes, moving my hand in wider motions. So magnificent what you've produced. Thank you for sharing these beauties.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

First, I'm so glad you're back!
Second, your work hasn't skipped a beat. I love love love that Chorus Line.
You're working through a step I've only begun to explore. When I do, I feel like I need my Home Depot brushes.

Thank you for being such a wonderful example and inspiration!

Lorraine Shirkus said...

I found you through Carol Marine's blog last fall and was enthralled! I was so disappointed that you stopped posting but always kept your browser open
immersing myself in your postings as I develop my own representational painting. I've learned a lot from you! When I booted up my computer this morning and went to your site, I was SO pleased to see new work!!!!
Absolutely wonderful!!!

Bridget Hunter said...

I love your use of greys. They're such colourful greys and hold the compositions together.

Steve PP said...

Stunning paintings, and a masterful use of colour!
Thanks for sharing them!

Daniel Corey said...

Glad to see you back and somehow better then before!

adebanji said...

I can't understand why you left painting- You make paintings that sing! Love to see your much larger work!

Anonymous said...

I love your still life paintings. bright colors, lovely tones.

Caroline Peña Bray said...

Wow, I'm really impressed with Chorus Line! I recall making only a brief drawing of tulips and them changing dramatically over that short period, so well done to you for sticking with them over a whole painting and producing such a great piece. It's wonderful to see you posting painting again.

Caroline Peña Bray said...

Wow, I'm really impressed with Chorus Line! I recall making only a brief drawing of tulips and them changing dramatically over that short period, so well done to you for sticking with them over a whole painting and producing such a great piece. It's wonderful to see you posting painting again.

mrm said...


SC Shisler: said...

Gorgeous work Aaron! I've known your name & work for a long time, but haven't kept up on your posting. How's medical school going? I'm curious if your friend is doing any medical illustration. It's actually my 'real' job; been doing it for about 20 years (yikes...). Anyway - I hope you're enjoying the challenge of working the other side of your brain. Can't wait to see more from you!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

all fabulous!! Grandmas' Jar with Lemon just hits me! The reds! Luscious!!!

David Lobenberg said...

Fabulous work! Haven't visited you in a while, and I'm glad I just did.