Saturday, December 1, 2007

"Plastic Creamer"

Oh its Saturday and I am sleepy.


Smiley Family said...

You sure do produce some fine work for being so sleepy:)

JacMac said...

I love how clean your colors are....just beautiful pure color. Is it because you use a different brush for each color. What brushes do you use and what's your favorite brand of oil paint?

Jeff Mahorney said...

I'd love to hear some more about your technique also. :)

Diana Marshall said...

I love the creamer, a simple subject you have made look so interesting! please tell me how you get the yellow shadow color on your jug, I find that I often get muddy colors for yellow shadows.

ming said...

my first time here...

your work is inspiring..

you paint differently..

and you paint very very well.

Rawkin compositions and subjects!

David Lobenberg said...

Simply things painted "simply". Love it!