Monday, September 24, 2007

"Apple and Glass" - SOLD

I think I starting to get some better volume lately. Sometimes we have to relearn things we used to know but somehow forgot along the way. And, then we hit our heads with our palm and say "duh".

I guess that is one of the fun things about painting. We continually grow and hopefully become better. And if not better then at least we have fun along the way just swinging the brush.


kim shields said...

You captured the green glass perfectly!

Jeff Mahorney said...

Beautiful! This and the "glass stage" would be such a wonderful pair together. I am amazed by the lovely economy of your strokes.

So happy to see you painting again. It's been over a week and I was afraid you were taking a hiatus.

Smiley Family said...

You amaze me...

Erica said...

Pretty pretty pretty!!!!