Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Topped" - SOLD

I admit this is a reoccurring composition. On this one, however, I lifted the focal point high on the board, and unintentionally cut the board almost in half with light and then dark. Half is usually a place to avoid when painting, but I think I am okay with how this turned out.


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Aaron,

You are so right that we rarely break the one third/two thirds, ideal rectangle, golden mean law. I think your departure works here because the dark blue creates the feeling of a new "frame".
Then the composition above the blue,
follows the rules.

Whatever the reason, it's tremendous, and you're a great painter.


Theresa Rankin said...

Gorgeous and compelling work...I am inspired.

milindmulick said...

A rule suvccesfully broken is more interesting.
In this case almost..
thanks for your comment on my blog.