Monday, January 12, 2009

"Bullseye" - SOLD

I was a bit sick last week and did not get a chance to paint, and today I suffered for it. I think this painting was my third attempt. I was close to calling it quits. But, I'm glad I didn't. My good friend Zach Proctor always professed to keep painting through the tough times. I think he is right.


Jennifer Bellinger said...

Hi Aaron, Glad you are feeling better and this painting is proof! I like the progression of the strong, bold apple leading the eye back into the soft, translucent bottle.

Jala Pfaff said...

Love this one: the boldness of the abstract qualities, color, and composition too.

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Awesome, as always!

Mary Bullock said...

So glad you kept painting - This one is just beautiful. I love how you use the canvas in vertical compositions. So often still lifes are done horizontally.
The Figurative Realm of Mary Bullock

milindmulick said...

sweet as cream biscuit..awsome as always

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Aaron,

I'm so sorry you were sick, and delighted that you're up to painting again.

This is just perfect as always.
Wonderful colour.

Be well,
